Monday, June 6, 2011

Sun, your fate Later ...

 Since its birth 4.6 billion years ago, until now 37 percent hydrogen which is the main fuel the Sun has burned into helium. An estimated 5 billion years from now, the Sun will evolve into a red giant star radius can reach 1,000 times the radius of the Sun today.The sun formed from giant clouds of gas and contains a very tenuous atomic particles with a temperature of 3 degrees Kelvin (K) or minus 270 degrees Celsius.The cloud stretched as far as 480 trillion kilometers (50 light years). In comparison, the distance between the Earth and the Sun is only 8 minutes of light.When certain parts of the giant cloud of disturbed balance, that part will experience compression and eventually collapse and form a globule (dense clouds). Compression is followed by an increase in core temperature that allows the globule globule emit radiation.This radiation makes the material compression process to slow down until the process of gravitational collapse may be resisted. Globule becomes unstable.When this baby Sun (protosun) is formed.At that time, the temperature of the Sun is 150,000 K and emitting red light from the gravitational energy globule, not a nuclear reaction at its core. The new radius of about half a radius of the Sun today.When the infant sun's core temperature reaches 10 million K, the burning of hydrogen into helium was in progress. "We started burning hydrogen will be a sign of the birth of the Sun," said professor of stellar evolution Astronomy Study Program Institut Teknologi Bandung, Judge L sit.Sun's coreSun's core size is only 10 percent of the overall solar ball. The temperature has now reached 15 million K. Core temperature is much different from the Sun's surface temperature is only around 5500 K-6000 K.In 5 billion years into the future, hydrogen in the core of the Sun is expected to burn into helium. However, the core of the Sun has not had a temperature sufficient to burn helium in need at 100 million K.The absence of energy that sustains the core makes the core of the Sun is shrinking. However, this depreciation will increase the temperature of the Sun's core. As a result, hydrogen in the blanket core (outer layer), the Sun will burn.Burning hydrogen in the core blanket will make the outer layer of the Sun expands until its radius reaches 10-100 times its original radius.In this phase, the judge continued, the Sun evolve into a red giant star.Development that affects the Sun's surface temperature drop as indicated by the color of the star changes from whitish yellow to red.Swallowing planets aroundDeployment sun will swallow Mercury, a distance of 58 million kilometers. Although the temperature dropped to 3500 K, the temperature was still significant enough to trigger a drastic temperature rise on Venus and Earth.The burning of hydrogen into helium in the solar blanket will make a blanket temperature increased. This condition makes the sun more and expand until its radius reaches 1,000 times the original radius of the Sun.In the development of both a red giant star which is larger, the Earth will be swallowed by the Sun. However, when that happens, most of the Earth is about to evaporate first.During development, the core of the Sun continued to shrink until its temperature reaches 100 million K. At that temperature, will burn helium into carbon and oxygen.However, very high temperatures is not easily released into the solar blanket. As a result, the core becomes unstable and in a short time into a super hot to encourage further solar blankets quickly. The process is ongoing encouragement repeatedly until the outside of the Sun seems to be in layers.At this stage, the sun began to enter the dying phase. Carbon in the core of the Sun can not be burnt by the sun-sized star will not be able to produce heat that can burn carbon. However, this temperature is still able to push the release of the exterior of the Sun is composed of hydrogen and helium from the core.Sun will continue to expand up to half its mass is lost into space. At this time, the Sun die because its shape has become a planetary nebula, a star particle clumps surrounding the core of the Sun is still burning.The remaining core of the Sun will continue to shrink and become white dwarfs.The size of this star is only about the size of Earth and temperatures cold enough.The final stage of evolution of the Sun will become a white dwarf star the color fades gradually to become a black dwarf star.Both the planetary nebulae and black dwarf star will be part of interstellar material that would become the raw material of other new star formation.The process of life The sun is showing phases of human life and the same stars: born, live and grow older, until finally death. All nothing lasts forever.(PHYSICS.UC.EDU / NEUTRINO.AQUAPHOENIX.COM / NASA.GOV / Astronomy-EDUCATION.COM)

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