OWNER iPad 2 really lucky because the Apple gadget that offers high performance, particularly in terms of processor and graphics capabilities. To be more optimal performance, you can use the applications below.
1. PhotoBooth
Applications â € ~ gratisanâ € ™ is useful for editing photos to make it look ridiculous.Take your photos with iPad camera, then edit. You can also share pictures or store them in the Camera Roll.
2. iMovie
IPad 2 users can record 720p video resolution. This application runs on dual-core processor A5. To get the application, you are charged U.S. $ 5.99.
3. RealRacing 2 HD
This application can use an HDMI connector to support high image definition (HD) 1080p resolution with an HDTV. While following the car racing game on TV, iPad 2 will show real time telemetry and position players on the track. Price is U.S. $ 9.99 application.
4. GarageBand
Like iMovie, GarageBand is a cracking application directly from Apple. Smart Instrumentsnya cool and can export the music into iTunes. Applications priced at U.S. $ 5.99.
5. Jenga HD
Physical and mental game consists of blocks to be spliced into a higher structure.Jenga HD has a gyroscope control and good accuracy in the IPAD 2. Interested?Prepare a fund of U.S. $ 1.6.
6. Pages
Efficient word processing application that uses a page layout tool for a writer to make a perfect document. Interface presents a faster and efficient. Price of U.S. $ 9.7 applications.
7. Pocketbooth HD
This application can take a strip of photos with different effects. Then upload it to Facebook or Twitter. Interested? Buy it at U.S. $ 1.92 app is.
8. Infinity Blade
Swordplay displays clear and smooth texture. Its performance is superior and faster loading. Applications offered denganharga U.S. $ 5.65.
9. SketchBook Pro
Applications canvas painting SketchBook Pro brings high-resolution (2048 by 1536) with four layers. Price is U.S. $ 4.84 application.
10. Dead Space for BlackBerry
Appearance in the horror shooter game is very real. The most obvious changes are in effect when the scene pencahayaaan torn apart by the opponent's attack. Prepare funding of U.S. $ 9.7 to buy Dead Space for the iPad. (Techradar.com / * / OL-14)
source : http://www.mediaindonesia.com/
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