Monday, June 27, 2011

Brazil's Discovered Isolated Amazon Tribe

The Brazilian government has confirmed the existence of a tribe who had never toucheda modern life, which has been inhabiting the southwestern region of the Amazon forest.
As quoted by AP news agency, shelter they have been identified by satellite, but thepopulation of the tribe can only be verified through an expedition by planes conducted in April.
The foundation in charge of indigenous Brazilian tribes, Funai, deliberately undertook an expedition to use the aircraft so as not to interfere with this isolated tribal groups. Brazildoes have a policy not to make direct contact with the tribes of this kind, to preservetheir autonomy in their regions.
This newly discovered tribe, estimated to have about 200 members of the tribe. They lived in five houses of straw, in the Vale do Javari Reserve Forest, the Amazon jungle, near the border with Peru. They are thought to originate from Pano-speaking groups,which spread from the Amazon jungle to the jungle of Peru and Bolivia.
"The task of identifying and protecting isolated tribal groups is part of the Braziliangovernment policy," said Fabricio Amorim, coordinator for the Forest Reservation FunaiVale do Javari, in a statement.

Vale do Javari region, said Amorim, is a region of the constellation yangmemiliki largesttribes in the world. In the area, estimated to be inhabited by about 14 tribes. In addition,they also have identified eight or so other tribes via satellite or via ground surveys.
Thus, it is estimated there are about 2,000 members of the tribe who inhabited the Vale do Javari. Meanwhile, it is estimated there are 68 tribes that live in the Amazon. Toconfirm that the light of their lives, said Amorim, took the annual use of special methods.

Culture and their customs so far, Amorim added that not only threatened by the activities of illegal fishing, hunting, logging, and mining course. But also by land clearing byfarmers, missionary activities, as well as drug smuggling is rampant in the border regions

Banyak kelompok indian Brazil yang masih mempertahankan bahasa dan tradisi mereka. Mereka berjuang untuk menguasai tanah yang mereka diami secara turun-temurun, dan mereka memenangkan hak itu, di bawah konstitusi Brazil. 
Konstitusi yang dibuat tahun 1988 itu memang mengharuskan semua tanah adat untuk dikembalikan kepada kelompok Indian asli. Selama ini baru 11 persen wilayah Brazil dan 22 persen wilayah Amazon yang dikembalikan kepada suku-suku semacam ini.  (eh)

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