Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is this Proof of Life on Mars

David Martines, an amateur astronomer from California who browse through Google Earth Mars Mars Explorer, find the image of a white cylindrical object vague on the Martian surface. He then upload that image along with his personal views on YouTube, May 28, 2011, and until now have been viewed 750,000 times.
Could the image of the object to be evidence of life on Mars? Martines such claims. He was named the Bio Station Alpha.
"Since I assume something living or once lived in that part," he describes the reasons penamaannya.
In the video, Martines said, "It's quite unusual because of its size is very large, reaching 700 feet long and 150 feet wide, it's like a cylinder or cylinders composed of buildings."
He said the coordinates of Station Alpha Bio is 71 49'19 .73 "N 29 33'06 .53" W.According to him, everyone can see it via Google Earth.
"Anyone who put them there must have a purpose. I'm sure. I can not imagine its purpose. I also can not imagine why people want to live on Mars," he said.
But, surely those who put it still puzzles. Did NASA do this? Martines commented, "I do not know if they can do the project without people knowing they bring material to it. I doubt if NASA had a relationship with it. I do not even know if NASA knows it or not."
A spokesman for an unnamed company, as quoted by FoxNews, Monday (06/06/2011), said the image produced by Google Earth comes from many locations and sources so that the disturbances and errors can occur. Martines is the image could be an error.
"In some cases, unique features that could appear in the image and we can see. This could be the result of several things, such as image processing or error in the random surface features, to name a few," said the spokesman.
While commentators video also has its own response. Some argue that it is man-made objects, some are saying that the object is debris from human efforts to send spacecraft to Mars and the structure of rocks. What is your opinion?

source : http://sains.kompas.com/read/2011/06/07/17341836/Inikah.Bukti.Kehidupan.di.Mars

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